Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Watermelon taken to a whole new level!

Did you know Japan has square watermelons? - They stack better. How about a Heart-shaped? This is the latest twist on Japan's love affair with the juicy green fruit.

A Japanese farmer and his wife cultivated the heart-shaped watermelon. It took this couple three years to perfect the shape "It was an act of love for the couple where they wanted the fruit of their labor to symbolize their feelings for each other." according to the weird Asia news (Hmm, I wonder what shape will the watermelon take if they were to get divorced?). The lovely watermelons sold for 15,750 yen ea - that works out to a whooping $160 per melon!   


  1. Wow $160 for a heart watermelon. The square one sounds really appealing...I don't know why but I want to stack them.

    1. I agree with you on the square watermelon lol

  2. Lol leave it to japan to do something like this

  3. I guess it would be a great gift for valentines, nice!

  4. Whoa! That's really unusual. It's amazing people actually have time to figure out how to make weird shaped watermelons!

  5. I hate watermelons, no matter the shape :P

  6. So, if I grow watermelon in a rigid box, I get paid more? Geez why the hell not.

  7. great gift for v day
    nice information

  8. I knew about the square melons. I had no idea about the heart-shaped ones. At that price, I figure you'd have to eat thm ral slow! Unless you're rich, of course, and couldn't care less. Have a nice day :)
